skinbleachings Blog

Skin bleaching is done by many people especially women for skin care. There are many skin whitening products have been circulating in many stores. However, how do I choose a good beauty products and safe for the skin?

Way of Skin Care For Asian People

Asians have a different skin type than Caucasians. For starters, Asians have more melanin in their skin, that's why Asian skin has a yellowish hue when compared with Caucasian skin. The weather in the continent also affects skin constitution. Those who are in the tropical region experience changing weather conditions, from very humid summers to wet and moist rainy seasons. This makes the skin more prone to oiliness and dryness. When Asians travel to colder places like Canada, for example, the shift to colder weather often causes the onset of skin problems like irritation, dryness, and tightness.

It is always helpful to visit a skin centre for a check-up and skin care recommendations, but if you don't have time for that, here are some tips on the proper care for Asian faces and body skin.

Use skin care products that are formulated for Asian skin. There are products made for Caucasian skin that won't work so well for Asians. Some may even worsen whatever condition in the skin is being treated. Before you look for skin care products made abroad, scout your local brands before looking at beauty products by Homeskinwhitening Secret and the like.

Exfoliate your skin at least once a week. There are exfoliating products in the market though that are very mild; these can be used every day. This is necessary for Asians whose skin tends to get very oily at the end of the day. Exfoliation will remove the dirt and excess oils from the skin, making you feel refreshed and clean. Don't just concentrate on the face area, but also scrub the rest of your body.

Put on sunblock with a high SPF value. Melanin in the skin helps protect it from UV damage, but it also causes pigmentation and darkening at the same time. This is especially common in lighter-skinned Asians like Koreans and Chinese. They get freckles when exposed in very warm and sunny weather. By putting on sufficient amounts of sunblock and staying away from the sun for long periods of time, you don't just avoid getting dark spots in random areas but also preserve your youthful-looking skin for a longer time.

Use moisturizing lotion as early as possible. When Asians who are used to warm weather move to very cold places, their skin becomes dry and often feels tight. This is similar to what older people experience, although for them the main cause is the reduction of sebum production, which is responsible for retaining moisture in the skin. So while you're still young (and all the more if you're in colder climates), put on moisturizers to preserve your skin's softness and elasticity.

Eat plenty of food rich in anti-oxidants. One of the reasons why Asians generally have youthful-looking skin is because their diets consist of citrus and oriental fruits rich in vitamins and minerals that purge the body of toxins and keeps the cells young and healthy. They drink tea and other concoctions that relax and cleanse the body of toxins. Continue this practice and avoid eating food rich in preservatives and other chemicals.